One of the worst ways to wake up is to the sound of your cat barfing, and you have to just lie there and wait for her to finish, because if you try to get her to linoleum she'll just run to her go-to spot under the bed, and that will massively complicate the clean up effort.
I watched our other cat throw up once, and it was such a massive load that he actually backed away from it as he was puking, like a dump truck moving as it tilted out a dozen cubic yards of whatever. I remember that incident well, because it was then that I learned an important lesson: never pick up brand new cat chunder, because it is the temperature of the inside of a cat, and that warmth increases the gross factor by a lot. Ya gotta let 'em cool down.
Our cats are very good at remembering to do the technicolor yawn right in the major carpeted walkways, but one accidentally threw up in the kitchen once, and it was so easy to clean up I barely remember it.
I wonder if there's a website where you can find out which breed of dog is most likely to find cat puke tasty? Or even better: which breed will be most likely to just eat your cats.
Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go accidentally leave the front door open.