Change Is in the Air!

Who even knew birds had cars? They way they treat *my* car you wouldn't think they'd care so much about keeping them clean.

Sock Monkey

The mild adventures of

It's slightly interactive, and beautiful.

pointless but fun : mind control

Do you have your tinfoil hat on?

Crying, while eating

Have you ever caught yourself crying while eating, then wanted to share your misery with the world by sending in a video clip of it to a web site that would share them? These people have.

Embarrassing Things That Might Happen to You While Using a Lightsaber.

The Darth Side: Memoirs of a Monster

Very excellent blog by Darth Vader. In the manner of all blogs, begin at the end (use the archive links at the right). Moving and funny.

Kitten War!

May the cutest kitten win.

Picture of The Day