
"In other words, a war is being fought between humans and inanimate objects, and all the little annoyances objects give people throughout the day are battles between the two."

Confident dumb people

"Have you ever noticed how incompetent people are often incredibly confident? Meanwhile, highly-skilled folks underestimate their ability to perform. That's called the Dunning-Kruger Effect..."

Inogolo Demonstrates Pronunciation of Difficult Proper Names

"If you're puzzled on how to pronounce an unfamiliar proper name, Inogolo can help with visual and spoken pronunciation guides."

Quote of the Day

"That same circuitry is active in your brain today in the amygdala, hippocampus, and related structures. It's hard-wired to scan for the bad, and when it inevitably finds negative things, they're both stored immediately plus made available for rapid recall. In contrast, positive experiences (short of million dollar moments) are usually registered through standard memory systems, and thus need to be held in conscious awareness 10 to 20 seconds for them to really sink in.

"In sum, your brain is like velcro for negative experiences and teflon for positive ones."

- Rick Hanson, psychologist, and Rick Mendius, neurologist, writing in the journal Inquiring Mind. []

Trying To Understand The Tea Party People: What White Folks Are Upset About Now (Prepare To Be Surprised)

Cognitive Bias song

"An AP Psychology teacher wrote a song enumerating several types of cognitive bias -- the blindspots in our thinking -- for his students. It's catchy, it's educational, and it might save you from getting conned, voting for a bastard, or having a stupid fight with your spouse!"