Joey Pantoliano on depression, mental illness

"Pantoliano seeks to “stomp the stigma” of mental illness through his nonprofit organization “No Kidding, Me Too!” and recently made a documentary about his own experience and that of others learning to cope with mental illness. "

7 Things You Didn’t Know About Energy Saving Light Bulbs

This is a news website article about a scientific finding

English. It's dead to me.

"The language's demise took few by surprise. Signs of its failing health had been evident for some time on the pages of America's daily newspapers..."

What to do when body parts fall off -

"Whether it's a missing tooth or an eye that's popped out of its socket, many people don't know what to do in such situations."

5 Reasons Not To Go To College

"But as costs for college skyrocket, as two-thirds of Americans find work without a degree and as most students aren't going to directly use their degree anyway, it's high time we do ourselves a favor and take an objective perspective of the "going to college" question."

False confessions: How the innocent admit, are convicted of crimes they didn't commit

Quote of the Day

Wired: Why is it so hard to convince people, even when the science is so clear?

Simon Singh: Science has nothing to do with common sense. I believe it was Einstein who said that common sense is a set of prejudices we form by the age of 18. Inject somebody with some viruses and that's going to keep you from getting sick? That's not common sense. We evolved from single-cell organisms? That's not common sense. By driving my car I'm going to cook Earth? None of this is common sense. The commonsense view is what we're fighting against. So somehow you've got to move people away from that with these quite complicated scientific arguments based on even more complicated research. That's why it's such an uphill battle. People start off with a belief and a prejudice--we all do. And the job of science is to set that aside to get to the truth.

- Simon Singh, writer, in an interview with Wired.