Checklist of Rationality Habits

"This checklist is meant for your personal use, so you can have a wish-list of rationality habits and see if you’re acquiring good habits. It’s not meant to be a way to get a ‘how rational are you?’ score, but, rather, to help you notice specific habits you might want to develop."

Not lazy, just different: Living with Delayed Sleep-Phase Syndrome

"For more than a decade I thought I sucked as a person and failed at life. I was met with confusion and anger by my parents on a constant basis — they couldn't understand why I would waste the day sleeping as late as 11am."

Why You Should Never Sign a Cell Phone Contract Again

"You can save money by opting for a month-to-month plan instead"

An Adult's Guide to Hygiene (for Those Who Weren't Taught Growing Up)

"There are no classrooms that teach you basic hygiene growing up. Your parents may do what they can, but a surprising number of people make it to adulthood with gaps in their knowledge. "