Warning labels (funny@work)

Some time ago at work someone pasted a bright yellow warning label on a large printer that says:
Warning: use caution when lifting
This made me sigh inside, because our safety culture is, some say, a bit out of hand at my workplace... and who lifts printers anyway? Especially ones the size of some smart cars? Do we *really* need to clutter the grey matter with such obvious warnings?
Anyway, being possessed of a label printer and some free time, I made the following stickers, which were placed around the original:
  • Caution: paper cut risk
  • Do not divide this device by zero
  • If this printer falls into molten lava, just let it go, man
  • Do not pour water on this device and then hug it
  • This object contains matter, and may be dangerous if converted to its equivalent of energy
  • Caution: do not eat printer
  • Alert: may contain rabid chipmunks
  • Warning: if gravity fails, this device will have no weight, but will still have the same mass
I decided to chronicle the labels here, as some of our safety people are moving into our office bay soon, and I suspect the printer may get cleaned up.