If you shop online or use coupons

[sent by by my friend Wendy C.: thanks, Wendy!]

If you shop online or use coupons then you need to know about these websites:

Thousands of codes for popular retailers, many of them originally uploaded by customers who received them by email or snail mail.

Hefty shipping charges can scotch an otherwise excellent deal. Look for merchants who ship gratis or rustle up a code for the order already in your cart.

More than 400,000 coupon codes for more than 100,000 retailers. Bonus: a tool to add to your Web browser that alerts you if you're shopping at a site for which there's a code.

Not just online discount codes but also a database of printable coupons for local merchants. Just click on Shop Online and sign up by entering your name, email, and zip code, then hunt for exclusive offers.

Beyond supplying discount codes, this site offers cash back at over 1,300 stores when you start your shopping trip there. For instance, if you splurge at Victoria's Secret, you'll get a check from Ebates for 2% of the total order. Checks go out every 3 months as long as you earn at least $5.01.

These websites are mentioned in an article from Family Circle, April 17, 2010.