As far as surviving a nuclear war, Hollywood got some things right and some things wrong. No, you can't ride the blast out hiding inside a refrigerator. Yes, you can make a hazmat suit out of a shower curtain and a soda bottle gas mask

Best comment: "I prepare for all of the apocalypses by not preparing--by reminding myself surviving isn't living. I trust my fellow humans not to repeat mistakes of the past, but if they do, I probably don't really want to be part of humanity any more anyway.  I'm a soft, sweet product of a thousands-of-years manufacturing process that's crafted some of the finest things and people yet.  Admittedly some of the worst things and people too, but good R&D's like that. I know I could survive in an apocalyptic hellscape, but practically none of the people would be worth being around:  the rich, the sociopathic, the paranoid, and the selfish.  So, no; that's where I draw the line at helping.  I'll work ceaselessly to help prevent it, but I'm not rebuilding it if it ever goes that far.  Let some other species have a go."