Voted for Trump?

At sometime today, the US will cross the grim threshold of 60,000 dead.

Those of you reading this who voted for Trump (or who didn't vote or voted third party to send some nonexistent message that exists only in your own head): their deaths are on your hands. You were repeatedly warned that the man was a narcissist and a bully. You were repeatedly warned business men do not care about human suffering and therefore make bad leaders. You repeatedly dismissed or chose to ignore the piles of evidence that you were voting for a misogynist, a homophobe, and a racist.

Now, many of you I assume have seen the light and now despise Trump and regret your previous vote, and that's great.

But you also need to remember, as I myself do for voting for Bush in 2000: you can and have been fooled; you can and have been mistaken; there are more important things than your feelings, or your purity tests, or your ideology, and if you are offended by this statement (which also applies to me), then you are part of the problem. It isn't always about you. It isn't always about what you want.

Or, to quote a better President, "Every once in a while... every once in a while, there's a day with an absolute right and an absolute wrong, but those days almost always include body counts."

And every time, every time, every god damn time, you set foot in a voting booth, that you mail in a ballot, that you argue over policy with a friend, that you post something you think is insightful or funny or self-aggrandizing on social media. Every time. Every time. Every god damn time, you remember: there are 60,000 dead, and more to come, and you are in part responsible for their deaths because your decision-making process isn't always correct, because you don't always think beyond your nose, because you think nothing matters, because you think you are sending a message, because you think you are staying morally or ideologically pure.”


From a comment on Fark:

US media last week: "China's sweeping bodies under the rug, their death toll was 50% higher than they said it was." US media this week: "Uh, so we checked under our rug"